The Bible writings are not meant to be literal historically accurate records. They are theological histories, written to make a religious point to the community that each was addressed to - and continually modified throughout time to make the writing reflect the views of each age. Just like what the WTS did - making it fit their prejudices.
When you come to the realisation that each piece is tied to the particular community and was written in order to impress and control that community, the change in attitude towards their writings opens amazing horizons. Who were these people, how did they think, what were the religious and secular politics of the time, who was trying to take control, why do we read only the views of one side of the story, who decided which writings were Scripture, how did they do it, what mistakes did they make, why did none of the people who knew Jesus prepare a written account, why did Jesus not write anything, why should we trust Paul's visions for the foundations of Christianity?
Take the Book of Acts as one example: Why does it contrast and contradict Paul? Because it was written by someone living decades after Paul's death and the writer's intention was to smooth over the stark differences between Paul and James/Peter; so "Luke" concocted a religious history. Another example: only 7 of the writings attributed to Paul are recognised by scholars as havng actually being written by him.
Recognise that the Bible is a collection of human writings selected by humans to meet their needs. It then provides an amazing insight into the people who wrote, compiled, edited, amended, copied and printed it - not that there is just one source version. And that opens up more scope for investigation.
BTW. Regarding Nazareth. I had no idea that some doubted it existed; my understanding is that Jesus/Yeshua/Joshua was born in Nazareth and that his ministry was limited geographically to that region. His venture down to Jerusalem was seen as a display against the Roman powers, that he intended to set himself up as the King of the Jews, that the Kingdom was about due. He would become King when the Son of Man would come down from heaven.